Men obsessed with feet can be very sexy sensual lovers who enjoy worshiping a woman. One in seven people fantasize about feet. This is perfectly normal, so don’t feel bad if you have a foot fetish because you are not alone. A foot fetish is also known as Podophilia. This fetish involves a person who is sexually obsessed with feet. They may also be obsessed with foot accessories like shoes, socks, foot jewelry, and even wrapping or binding feet. They have fantasies about feet, and they view bare feet as erotic to look at.
What tells you a man has a foot fetish?
Men with a foot fetish can display many behaviors. They are totally obsessed with feet. They love to look at feet and what shoes a person is wearing. They enjoy pictures of feet. They love to worship feet. They enjoy giving a foot massage, licking feet, sucking on toes, and may want to give you a pedicure because they enjoy painting your nails. Some men seek humiliation with this fetish and even want to lick your shoes , or ask you to stomp on them. They have strong fantasies of using feet during sex. They might ask you to rub your feet over their body in a massage. They might also ask you to give them a “foot job” to make them cum.
How did a man become obsessed with feet in the first place?
There are many different opinions on this. One theory is that the part of the brain that controls sensation in the genitals sits right next to the part of the brain that controls sensations in your feet. It is thought that maybe these two parts can talk to each other leading to a person being obsessed with feet.
Another theory is that something happened early in life to that person involving feet that caused sexual excitement. This imprinted on their brain, and it stayed with them through their whole life. This caused a permanent link with feet to sexual excitement.
Then other people just develop a fixation on certain things early in life for some reason, and that stays with them forever. No one knows exactly how it started but it did.
A foot fetish involves an erotic power play.
Foot worship Submission plays a big part in a foot fetish. Feet are viewed as inferior body parts, so getting below a person’s feet is a sign of utter submission. Some powerful men seek female domination because they want to give up control. It excites them to surrender to a dominant woman. They find it erotic to worship a woman’s feet, looking up at her, and giving her total control of him.
Other men might seek humiliation to excite them. They are totally obsessed with feet and their accessories. They want to be “put in their place” by a woman. They might even want to lick dirty feet, lick shoes, or will ask to be stomped on by a woman. Some might request you stomp on them with your bare feet, and others might request you stomp on them wearing your heels so they get more pain. As with any fetish there is different degrees of a fetish, and people choose how far they desire to go to satisfy their needs.
“Feet Flirting” is fun.
People use their feet as a good way to communicate nonverbally. People play footsie with each other under a table, or a concealed place, and that can be romantic and fun. It provides a sense of intimacy and vulnerability. When a man rubs a woman’s feet it is a sign of affection, and shows his love. He wants her to be happy. This strengthens the emotional connection between people. So you can totally enjoy a man obsessed with feet.
When a person rubs their own two feet together this is a self soothing behavior that reduces anxiety and promotes relaxation. There are over 7000 nerve endings in each foot, and they produce many wonderful sensations when touched. The soles of a person’s feet are very vulnerable areas. When you tickle a person’s feet you have them at your mercy which is an interesting power play, and it can produce many emotions along with sexual excitement.
Enjoy being obsessed with feet.
Do not hide your foot fetish. Do not be embarrassed by it. It is part of who you are, so own it to enjoy it, and have fun with it. Explain your obsession with feet to your partner. Respect your partners boundaries so they can enjoy your foot fetish with you. Go shoe shopping with them, buy them foot jewelry, or even sexy socks. Incorporate foot play in your sex life. Use a foot massage as foreplay. Ask your partner to give you a body massage using their feet instead of their hands. Then work up to them giving you a “foot job” so you will explode. Do things slowly so you don’t overwhelm your partner.
I always loved men who are obsessed with feet. A good foot massage is a weakness of mine. I am also obsessed with shoes and boots. I have a large collection and I love sexy shoes. I want to hear all your foot fantasies. I will enjoy sharing all your fantasies with you. You can tell me all your naughty secrets knowing they will stay between us. So when you are ready to play give me a call. I am here waiting for you.
Hugs and kisses
Sensual Phone Mistress Lynne
Great post! This appeals to me a lot… Especially this part: “They want to be “put in their place” by a woman. They might even want to lick dirty feet, lick shoes, or will ask to be stomped on by a woman. Some might request you stomp on them with your bare feet, and others might request you stomp on them wearing your heels so they get more pain.”
I dream of meeting a sexy and classy mature woman like you by a giant mud puddle, trying to figure out how to get across… And offer to lay down in it so you can walk across on me… And have you accept my offer and let me lay down flat on my back in it and just walk all over my body in your sexy expensive high heels to keep them from getting ruined and get safely to dry land again! Doing a slow and sensual catwalk across the length of my body like I was just dirt under your precious feet whilst wiggling your butt cause you could tell that it was my secret fantasy… 😉 That would be my ultimate fantasy on this subject. 🙂
Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog on men obsessed with feet. I am so glad you enjoyed it. You sound like someone I would really enjoy getting to know. You should call me sometime and we can play out some of your fantasies.
Dear Ms Lynne, Is that you in the top picture above? I like the black underpants! I’m a slave/submissive of Ms Hunter, who is ably assisted by Ms Olivia, and they both know of my fascination for ladies who wear black underpants!
Yes that is me on the top of the blog I wrote on feet. I am glad you liked my panties. Thanks for the comment you wrote on that blog.
Take care.